About Our Philanthropy:
Alpha Delta Pi adopted Ronald McDonald House Charities (RMHC) as its national philanthropy in 1979. Alpha Delta Pi was the first partner of the Ronald McDonald House Charities. Ronald McDonald Houses are located near hospitals worldwide to provide a “home away from home” for families with sick children in the hospital. In addition to donating money and supplies to Ronald McDonald House Charities, Alpha Delta Pi collegians and alumnae members also donate their time by volunteering for the houses. Each semester, the women of Alpha Delta Pi host a Philanthropy Week filled with activities to raise money for Ronald McDonald House Charities and the Alpha Delta Pi Foundation. Activities include share nights with local Cape Girardeau restaurants. Not only are these events super fun to host and attend, but they also raise money for the philanthropies that we love! In addition to hosting our own events, we also enjoy participating in other sorority and fraternity’s philanthropy events. We do this by supporting them at their philanthropy dinners and participating in their various activities throughout the week.
About Our Chapter:
Alpha Delta Pi is a vibrant sisterhood that strives for excellence in leadership, scholarship, and character development of our members. We work year-round to raise money and awareness for our philanthropy, Ronald McDonald House Charities, and other local philanthropies. To raise money, Alpha Delta Pi hosts various events such as Kickin' It, Pie-A-Pi, Red White & Delta Nu, etc. We love working together as a sisterhood to support such a great cause.