How Panhellenic Can Help Us in the Future for Jobs and Successes:
Serving on the Panhellenic Executive Board can give you real-world experience on how to effectively communicate and work with a team of colleagues. Those who serve on the Executive Board are committed to relationships built on trust through transparency, accountability, and mutual respect. Innovation and our core values of friendship, leadership, service, knowledge, integrity, and community guide us. Sorority alumni are 3x as likely to have engaged in experiential learning compared to nonaffiliated alumni, as well as more than half of sorority alumni obtained a job waiting at graduation or found employment within two months, compared with 36% of nonaffiliated alumni. Lastly, sorority alumni are more likely to be thriving in key aspects of well-being such as in their: career, community, financial, physical, and social aspects of life. Being a part of Panhellenic is something great that helps individuals to prepare for their future, offering a wide range of leadership opportunities and growth.