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About Our Chapter:
Alpha Phi fosters the qualities of strong character that distinguish our members and our sisterhood. We are a group of sisters who set high expectations for ourselves and each other, through our high ideal of generosity, innovation, character, and sisterhood. We focus on advocating for Women's Heart Health through our philanthropy, The Alpha Phi Foundation.

Our Philanthropy:
The women of Alpha Phi are extremely passionate about making a difference and creating a positive change in the world around us. Each year, Alpha Phi's dedicate their energies to a number of events that support our Philanthropy - The Alpha Phi Foundation. The Alpha Phi Foundation supports the advocation for Women's Heart Healt. In addition, it advances women's lives through funding leadership programming, scholarships, heart health research, and heritage preservation. Some of the events we hold are Move Your Phi't, King of Hearts, Phiball, and Red Dress Tailgate.
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